Alfons Laarman

I lead the System Verification Lab (SVL) at the Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science (LIACS).

I am founder of LUdev, the software development company ran by students who follow the courses Software Engineering, Managing Software Evolution and System Development.

My main research interests are formal verification, automated reasoning, software engineering, quantum computing and parallel computing.

Alfons Laarman during his Phd defense

Gorlaeus Building, room BE2.03
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC, Leiden
The Netherlands
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Open PhD and Postdoc positions

PhD and Postdoc positions on automated reasoning for quantum computing

The System Verification Lab has multiple open positions.

  • A four-year PhD position on formal methods for quantum computing
  • A four-year PostDoc position on automated reasoning for quantum computing (see the BoostQA project)

Email me if interested.

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Awarded an NWO NGF grant on Quantum Technology

Boosting the Search for New Quantum Algorithms with AI

Together with Vedran Dunjko, I was awarded an NWO national growth fund grant on quantum technology for the BoostQA project. The abstract of the project is as follows.

Compared to classical algorithms, which have enjoyed decades of development, many quantum algorithms are still in their infancy. The key technologies contained in classical algorithms often offer exponential advantages. This project will add these key technologies to quantum algorithms so that they enjoy the same advantage on top of the quantum acceleration. The resulting new line of quantum algorithms is therefore more able to compete with their classical counterparts. This closes an important gap on the road to a ‘quantum advantage’, a first experiment showing that quantum algorithms can be faster than classical algorithms for a useful task.

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Awarded NWO NWA grant Divide & Quantum

Divide & Quantum grant

As PI of this 2m euro project, I will lead a consortium to implement various case studies in quantum computing. My own team will contribute new divide & quantum algorithms and the simulation of quantum computing based on LIMDDs. Looking forward to work with the diverse Divide & Quantum consortium.

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Awarded EU Horizon grant Efficient QUantum ALgorithms for IndusTrY (EQUALITY)

Efficient QUantum ALgorithms for IndusTrY (EQUALITY)

The 6m euro project will be executed by a large consortium led by Altran. I will lead a work package on optimization techniques for quantum circuits based on the LIMDD technology developed by my team. This will crucially enable other consortium partners to implement their quantum computing use cases.

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Organizing the SPIN 2021 symposium

SPIN 2021 (co-located at ECOOP + ISSTA)

Together with Ana Sokolova, I organize the SPIN 2021 symposium. The workshop features invited speakers Vincenzo Ciancia (CNR-ISTI), Mariëlle Stoelinga (Twente / Radboud University) and Moshe Vardi (Rice).

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Invited to the CERN workshop on scientific computing

CERN workshop on scientific computing

Roel Aaij (NikHef) invited me to explore ways to use my tree-based data compression methods on the massive data produced by CERN. I will present the data structure to a mostly physics audience in Sardinia, Italy.

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Invited to the Lorentz workshop on formal methods

Research agenda formal methods in the Netherland
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Invited to present at This-Week's-Discovery in Leiden

I will talk about my Veni project Paralellism in Depth.

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Invited to talk at a workshop in honor of Marieke Huisman

I will talk about parallel depth-first search algorithms.

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© Alfons Laarman 2022
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